Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Jewish Gangsters in America

For previous posts on Jewish organized crime, see here, here and here. The truly unique part of Jewish organized crime and what makes it "organized crime" in the truest sense of the word is that it is metastasized to the government apparatus. Meaning, at least now, it is endemic to the government through banking and intelligence. Banking and intelligence are connected. Look into the history of the intelligence agencies, especially the CIA. The CIA was started by people connected to Wall Street. In Canada, CSIS was started under the supervision of the influential Zionist Bob Kaplan. Then there is the ADL which stands for the Anti-Defamation League, (see here for more about the ADL, be sure to scroll down and go through all of the articles there.) The ADL was actually funded by Jewish gangsters. Both the ADL and the intelligence agencies funnel information to law enforcement. Law enforcement literally gets their intelligence from these people. No other form of organized crime in the world has this level of influence over you.


By Gad Nahshon

“It was with some astonishment that I discovered what an integral part of American Jewish life crime was. Our forefathers made names for themselves as gangsters, murderers, musclemen, hit men, acid throwers, arm breakers, bombers and all the other professions open to nice Jewish boys. Prostitution, vice, alcohol, gambling, racketeering, extortion, and all the other things that fill the newspaper today and that I gladly have been attributing as character flaws in other groups…those were our things. I was shocked at how deep our roots are in all the sinks of depravity and corruption. The Jews were the first ones to realize the link between organized crime and organized politics. They led the way in corrupting the police and city hall. They first realized the value of gang/syndicate cartels in business to reduce the killing of each other. They were monopolists of the highest order. We wrote the book, so to speak, on crime, but it’s all forgotten.” —Marvin Kitman, Jewish critic and writer

"These are the conclusions from Rich Cohen's exciting to read book:
'Tough Jews' is a fascinating read back into the history of organized
crime," wrote Martin Scorcese. And Mario Cuomo defined this book as
"unusually entertaining". Larry King, a friend of the family, said, "WOW.
What a book. . . You do not have to be Jewish to love Tough Jews."

Arnold Rothstein was the founding father of American organized crime. He was murdered in 1928. He left a legend and a myth and also a tribe of notorious "boys": Louis Lepke Buchalter, the first builder of an empire of crimes which produced in 1940 around $2 million a year, Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegal, Dutch Schultz, Abraham Twist Kid Reles, Pep Strauss, Mendy Weiss, Gurrah Shapiro, Red Levine and many others.

They were Jews, criminals, and murderers. They also did not hesitate to murder other Jews who dared to challenge them in the underworld. They left a "legacy" to be followed by the Italian "disciples" of Rothstein: Lucky Luciano, Joe Adonis, Louis Capone, Albert Anastasia and many others.

A young writer, Rich Cohen, decided to expose the role of these Jews in the history of organized crime in America. But he also illuminated these Jews in a sort of romantic-nostalgic light.

Cohen is an excellent writer and a superb story teller. He conducted research of his own and produced a fascinating account of the life of these criminal Jews. His book: "Tough Jews, Fathers, Sons and Gangsters" (Simon and Schuster, 1998, New York) will stir debate about the "contribution" of Jews to America.

First: Jews do not tend to be only white collar kind of criminals. They can be cruel murderers.

Second, Jews invented organized crime.

Third, Jews were the first ones to describe themselves as businessmen. They turned the crime into business and they built a network of crimes: gambling, prostitution, smuggling, extortion and protection money.

Fourth, sad to say they were the first drug dealers in America!!

Fifth, they were often "good Jews". They went to synagogue and they defended Jews against American Nazis and anti-Semites.

These are the conclusions from Rich Cohen's exciting to read book: "Tough Jews is a fascinating read back into the history of organized crime," wrote Martin Scorcese. And Mario Cuomo defined this book as "unusually entertaining". Larry King, a friend of the family, said, "WOW. What a book. . . You do not have to be Jewish to love Tough Jews."

He is right. The book is rich with engrossing, vivid, violent anecdotes. Cohen covered the era from 1918 to 1950.

These Jews grew up in the Jewish ghettos of America and especially in Brooklyn or Brownsville. As a special tribe, Cohen illuminated, they disappear. Why? Because they sent their children to the colleges, rather than to the streets. The Italians were the ones to develop families or dynasties of organized crime.

But it looks as if the Jews taught them the secret art of organized crime. Cohen does not have a background in criminal justice and he ignored the famous book by Jenna Weismann Joselit: "Our Gang" (1900-1940). So we need more material to understand the unique characteristics of "Jewish crime". Also, he did not mention the film "Lepke" (Buchalter) with Tony Curtis in the major role.

Cohen also compared the "toughness" of the Jewish gangsters with the art of the Israeli commando in Entebbe (give me a break).

Cohen tried to revise our attitude to these Jews. Well they were criminals, period. Many Jews today are sensitive to these kind of stories about crimes. Well we should be more mature. We are not always perfect or a "Light to the Nations". But we should not give medals to Jews such as Abe Reles, for example.

Cohen also tried to present these Jews as an example of "Pride Jews" but the criminals did not go to fight against Hitler in World War II.

Rich Cohen grew up in Glencoe, Illinois. He attended Tulane University in New Orleans and spent his junior year at Oxford University in England. His first job after college was with The New Yorker where he wrote a number of stories, mostly humorous pieces, that ran in "Notes and Comment" and "Talk of the Town." After two years at The New Yorker he became a staff writer at The New York Observer, writing "mostly funny stories about mostly serious people." Less than a year later, he was offered a contract by Rolling Stone magazine where he's now a contributing editor.

At Rolling Stone, he has written stories on the Rolling Stones, Alicia Silverstone, Tom Clancy, Pat Buchanan, and Howard Stern, among other notable subjects. He continues to write articles and humor pieces for The New York Times, The New Yorker, New York magazine, Spy, and Details. He lives in New York City.

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