Friday, May 12, 2017

MUST SEE: The Biggest Scam In The World That Most People Do Not Know About...

See this important post about the money changers. See here, here and here for more about the Bank of Canada and our struggle for banking independence. This pathetic system is what all of the intelligence agencies are defending. WE PAY FOR ALL OF THIS! You are paying for your own enslavement, that's how much nerve these psychopathic banking lunatics have. They are so damn cheap that they socialize their costs of protection onto you while they privatize their profits.

In Canada, we pay a whopping $1.4 Billion dollars a year for the CBC alone! Look at the kind of news we get, (they actually want to increase it to $1.8 Billion.)  I can give you better news on this blog for free!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Important Video and Books That Confirms There is a Concealed Plan or Agenda That People Are Not Being Told About...

The video below features John Taylor Gatto. Besides the videos below... see here for more about Carroll Quigley.

World's Smallest Robots - Nanotechnology

See the video below, and see here for more posts about nanotechnology and here for more about brain-computer interfaces, brain-chips, electromagnetic weapons and mind control. Also, see here for more about synthetic biology and here for more about "Playing God."

This is what these psychopathic scumbags are using on the population ---and of course, the Canadian government (I live in Canada,) more specifically, the media, the intelligence agencies and the RCMP --- are covering this up. We live a truly pathetic controlled society. It only seems like you have freedom --- and they like that ... because the appearance of freedom is what your country really is. Just like the appearance of truth is the greatest enemy of truth itself --- the appearance of freedom is the greatest enemy of freedom itself.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

TedTalk: Microchipping People

See here for more about classified technology. See here for more about creepy technology that could be inside of you right now.

The RCMP & Their "Terror Case"

The video below is interesting. See this post for more about the RCMP.  See here and here for how the RCMP works with the ADL, an organization that was literally started by Jewish organized crime. See here for how the RCMP targets Muslim extremists but gives Zionist terrorists a free pass. See here, here and here for more about CSIS.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Elon Musk Launches Company To Hook People Up To Computers

These pieces of crap in Silicon Valley are already experimenting on people. (See here.) 

I am one of the people they are experimenting on. Of course, the intelligence agencies already have access to this technology and they work with law enforcement. There are tons of crazed Zionist sociopaths running around with this technology. (See here for a list of classified technology. See here for more about former U.S. Representative from Ohio and candidate for the President of the United States Dennis Kucinich's attempted ban of space-based weapons.) These people are pure evil. They are shooting people with microwaves and using synthetic telepathy on the population. If you have nanotechnology or a brain-computer interface inside you, these whack jobs have access to your brain and are experimenting on you without you knowing. See here for wires in the brain, nanotechnology and RFID chips fuse with the human brain.  

See here for more about Zuckerberg talking about synthetic telepathy. See here for a Cisco ad that refers to synthetic telepathy. See here for more about the DARPA's Artificial Intelligence Control Grid. 

Malcolm X On The Jews

It is interesting to listen to the words of Malcolm X in the video below. Obviously, these are not the words you heard in the movie Malcolm X. Kind of sounds like the movie JFK that I pointed here. See here and here for previous posts with Malcolm X. See here for more about the Kennedy assassination. 

He talks about Jewish Nazi's in the video below. Sounds like here and here. See here for more of these counter-intelligence psychopaths.  Also, see hereherehere, and here for more about Jews collaborating with Nazis. Julius Streicher actually admitted that the Nuremberg laws were a reaction from the Talmud's Jewish Halakha laws. In other words, they are influenced by the Jewish Talmud's racist and ethnocentric ideology of "Jewishness." 

See here for more about the so-called Jews